A Little About Me…
A little over a year ago I became a Mom to a beautiful 6 lb 6 oz baby girl. We named her Olivia, and boy did she change our world! When you’re pregnant (and sometimes even beforehand) people tell you that the moment your first meet your child everything will change. Of course I was pretty skeptical of this statement because I was never a “baby person”. Don’t get me wrong. I loved seeing other people’s babies, spending time with my nephew or my friends’ children, but I was never left with this yearning desire to have a child. Well, NEWS FLASH!!!! They were right! The moment I held her for the first time I feel like my heart grew ten times in size. I never really knew I could love another human being that much. Also, a lot of the other stuff they say is true, too – the late-night feedings, every two hours, the dozen or so diapers you have to change every single day in the newborn stage, all the outfit changes because baby poop and spit up – it’s your new reality. Though even with all the challenges and sleepless nights that come with being a new parent I can honestly say these last 15 months have been the best months of my life.
Even though we only have one baby we really are a family of five – two parents, a wee little baby, and two fur-babies. My husband, Ian, and I met almost eight years ago here in Denver, Colorado. In 2011 we added a sassy little Shiba, Kona, and she made us a family. After years of dating Ian finally asked me to marry him, and in 2014 we tied the knot. The following spring is when we adopted our second Shiba, Teddy.
Throughout this journey so far I’ve become so passionate about motherhood and all that comes along with it. I love baking for family and friends, decorating our home and building our little hive, finding some of the cutest outfits in the world for my little one, and I love capturing it all on camera. I decided to start this blog to create a space where we can learn from one another and create a sense of community. Whether I share recipes I’ve tried, tell you where I scored a great deal on a piece of décor, or just talk about how it was a rough day as a mom and know I’m not alone in that, that’s my goal. I’d love to learn from all of you as well, so any time you have questions, comments or feedback for me please feel free to share. I look forward to getting to know you!