Our Hive
A Look Back At Easter…
Well, despite our mock Easter egg hunt for Olivia, she ended up only being interested in the “real thing” for about four or five eggs. Her first egg hunt was set up in the front yard of my parents’ house, and despite the beautiful eggs my Mom bought, Olivia only had eyes for a small stuffed bunny and the neighbor’s black lab. She constantly called out “dog?”, hoping he’d join her. Thankfully we were able to grab a family picture or two before she was completely over it and ready to eat! I would like to say she was more interested in her second egg hunt, but unfortunately she was…
A Little About Me…
A little over a year ago I became a Mom to a beautiful 6 lb 6 oz baby girl. We named her Olivia, and boy did she change our world! When you’re pregnant (and sometimes even beforehand) people tell you that the moment your first meet your child everything will change. Of course I was pretty skeptical of this statement because I was never a “baby person”. Don’t get me wrong. I loved seeing other people’s babies, spending time with my nephew or my friends’ children, but I was never left with this yearning desire to have a child. Well, NEWS FLASH!!!! They were right! The moment I held her…